Tuesday, May 20, 2008

To Pierce or not to Pierce!!

OK...need some advice, I really want to pierce Abbi's ears, but I can't make up my mind. Here's my dilemma.....#1 I'm just not sure I can hurt my baby with intention, I can't help shots, but if I do this I'm allowing someone to hurt my baby girl!! #2 I used to work @ Icing when I was young and I know how they train those girls how to pierce ears and I'm not at all comfortable letting someone of that age and that little skill touch her!! #3 I would love for a Doctor to do it, but my doctor's office doesn't offer it, and the ones that do, only offer it to their patients!! #4 If I don't do it while she's little and I can take care of it, I know I won't let her do it till she is old enough to care for it herself, which means she will be 10 or so before I allow it!
So with that said...Taryn, Ash and Kristi (since those are my only friends on this thing)(mom don't need your opinion, I've already got it!!:)...I need some advice, what do y'all think!!?? And remember, I can't do it...if it's done Bryan will have to take her and do it!!!!!


Team Gourley said...

I agree with you on the doctor thing. I would want a doctor to do it too. I got my first piercings at a doctor too. Check on a walk-in doctor's office...that's where I got mine done. I completely agree with your points though...I would have a hard time doing it to. Remember though that at this age she won't remember pain...at 10 years old she will. Just something to think about...Good Luck!

Taryn said...

Honestly, I was glad my mom waited to have my ears pierced when I was older because it was so neat. It was something to look forward to, to feel like a young woman. I think if you wait it can be something you show her that she deserved because she was old enough and responsible to take care of it. But its up to you! She won't remember the pain if you do it now, so thats a plus, but I don't know. I don't think I could do it! My vote it- wait til she is a young girl and let her be excited to go get some earrings! Hahahahahah!!!!! Good luck! xoxo

Mark and Kristi said...

AMY!!! I didn't know you had a blog, but I am glad you do!

Okay... so I am struggling with that same issue with Tatum. I think she would look so cute with pierced ears, but do I do it now or wait! I really like what Taryn said about having it to be something to look forward to. I got mine done when I was 8 and I was so excited, before then it was the lovely stick-ons ha ha