Sunday, January 15, 2012

Hi, I'm Amy and I'm a Cutie-a-holic

YES...I have achieved step one!!! These little gems are the most addicting fruit I have EVER eaten! I LOVE them. They peel so easy and are just muss no fuss, I mean seriously just peel and eat!! Just yesterday morning I had 5 (yes FIVE) for breakfast! I know it could be worse, I mean I could've had 5 donuts for breakfast...but still, a line has to be drawn!!

I buy these gorgeous little nuggets for my kids to take in their lunches for school, but mom here usually polishes them off before they even get a chance!! Do I need padlocks on my fridge!? (lol)

I need to learn self-control, however if this is my worst addiction then I suppose I will survive! Oh wait....I forgot about glorious Dr. Pepper!! Crap, definitely pad-locks!! ;)

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